Nestled between a dramatic harbour and bush clad hills, Wellington was recently dubbed as ‘...
Read moreWanaka Town is located on the southern shores of Lake Wanaka, embraced by the Southern Alps, Wanaka is Otago’s second resort town after Queenstown. The crystal-clear waters of Lake Wanaka, New Zealand’s fourth largest lake, reflect the snow-capped peaks of Mount Aspiring National Park. Here you can absorb the unstoppable beauty of pristine wilderness and know that it will be easy to find a great restaurant for dinner. The township of Wanaka is a magnet for visitors who want to find the perfect combination of outdoor adventure and indoor luxury.
Nestled between a dramatic harbour and bush clad hills, Wellington was recently dubbed as ‘...
Read moreQueenstown, located on the shores of Lake Wakatipu and surrounded by the magnificent Southern Alp...
Read moreHome to three active volcanic mountains, and iconic and majestic landscapes, Tongariro Na...
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